Repent and Trust
Repent and Trust
  • Видео 63
  • Просмотров 5 383 102


"True Christian" - The Gospel Is Good News! (w/o music)
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.13 лет назад
Brother Jed has been on college campuses for many years. This video comes as a result of his visit to Texas Tech University in the spring of 2011. As usual he and his group spent much time condemning everyone to hell. Repent and Trust Ministries HAS NO PROBLEM with the wrath of God and His eternal judgment of hell. However, we do take issue with people that merely condemn without giving the Goo...
"True Christian" - The Gospel Is Good News!
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.13 лет назад
Brother Jed has been on college campuses for many years. This video comes as a result of his visit to Texas Tech University in the spring of 2011. As usual he and his group spent much time condemning everyone to hell. Repent and Trust Ministries HAS NO PROBLEM with the wrath of God and His eternal judgment of hell. However, we do take issue with people that merely condemn without giving the Goo...
Salvation: You Must Realize Your Need
Просмотров 1 тыс.14 лет назад
This message from Romans 5:6-11 lays out three major points: - Christ died for the ungodly - Christ saves us from the wrath to come - Our joy comes through Christ and the atonement He provides.
Sanctification: God Uses Trials, Tribulations, and Persecutions to Grow His Believers
Просмотров 1 тыс.14 лет назад
Toby Brillon preaches from Romans 5:3-5 on sanctification and how God uses what we see as "hardships" to grow His believers into mature Christians. The Gospel was also proclaimed in this message and repentance and faith in Christ alone was proclaimed.
You Are Alienated From God and His Wrath Abides On You
Просмотров 73714 лет назад
Romans 5:1-2 tells us that Jesus Christ provides peace with God the Father and access to God the Father....this is reconciliation with God the Father. Toby preaches to a homeless crowd about their need for Jesus Christ so they may escape the wrath to come. (October 29, 2010)
Street Preacher With A Cross
Просмотров 91014 лет назад
A street preacher with a cross preaches the Gospel at the Oklahoma State vs. Texas Tech University football game on October 16, 2010.
Three Responses To The Gospel
Просмотров 35514 лет назад
Toby Brillon preaches on the three responses to the Gospel: mockery, consideration, belief. This message was delivered to a homeless audience on the steps of the Civic Center in downtown Lubbock, TX. The Scripture referenced comes from Acts 17:22-34.
The Gospel Stirs Spirits (Angry Woman Mix)
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.14 лет назад
This video has footage of the "angry woman" that was ready to hurt someone. After the preaching was finished she did kick an old man in the face. While preaching to a crowd of homeless people on Romans 8:5-9 and explaining the difference between living in the flesh and in the Spirit, a couple in the crowd became angry because of the Gospel. Their spirits hated the Truth of the Gospel and hated ...
The Gospel Stirs Spirits
Просмотров 41914 лет назад
While preaching to a crowd of homeless people on Romans 8:5-9 and explaining the difference between living in the flesh and in the Spirit, a couple in the crowd became angry because of the Gospel. Their spirits hated the Truth of the Gospel and hated the Name of Jesus Christ and they became uncontrollable. When they could bear the Gospel no more they left the crowd.
The Day After...
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.14 лет назад
We snapped a heartwrenching photo the day after abortions were performed at our local abortion clinic. The two red containers are filled with what the abortionists would call "medical waste". We call them murdered children. We delivered the Gospel to women standing in line at the abortion clinic to murder their babies. There were many hard hearts. Some were so hardened that they even laughed at...
Fighting the Conscience at the Elton John Concert - Lubbock, TX
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.14 лет назад
Preaching the Gospel to a crowd at the Elton John concert in Lubbock, TX on April 9, 2010. At the end of the video the guy with the cell phone camera is Landon King with KOOL 98 radio.
Only The Pure In Heart - Elton John in Lubbock, Texas
Просмотров 95314 лет назад
Sharing the Gospel with a crowd waiting to get into the Elton John concert in Lubbock, TX - 4/9/10. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
Paul Washer - Shocking Message (full length - HQ)
Просмотров 803 тыс.14 лет назад
This is a Shockingly Powerful & Biblical message preached to about 5,000 youth in a day when youth are appealed to through shallow and worldly means. At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are clapping and yelling BUT THEN the preacher makes a comment that CHANGES THE WHOLE ATMOSPHERE TO WHERE YOU COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP... As you can imagine, the preacher was never invited back. We be...
Anything But The Truth
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.15 лет назад
The Truth of the Gospel is proclaimed at the Texas Tech vs. Texas A&M game on 10/24/09.
Open-Air Preacher Questioned By Police
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.15 лет назад
Open-Air Preacher Questioned By Police
What You Have In Common With Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson
Просмотров 68215 лет назад
What You Have In Common With Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson
The Enemy Attacks When Least Expected
Просмотров 95215 лет назад
The Enemy Attacks When Least Expected
The Social Gospel Is No Cure
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.16 лет назад
The Social Gospel Is No Cure
God Requires Humility
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.16 лет назад
God Requires Humility
Taking The Gospel To A Football Game
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.16 лет назад
Taking The Gospel To A Football Game
What Is The Gospel?
Просмотров 99916 лет назад
What Is The Gospel?
One School of Thought
Просмотров 93316 лет назад
One School of Thought
Should You Share The Gospel With Someone That Is Drunk?
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.16 лет назад
Should You Share The Gospel With Someone That Is Drunk?
A Key To Happiness Is A Bad Memory?
Просмотров 67816 лет назад
A Key To Happiness Is A Bad Memory?
A Night At The Tequila Jungle
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.16 лет назад
A Night At The Tequila Jungle
A "Circuit Preacher" At The Wild West
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.16 лет назад
A "Circuit Preacher" At The Wild West
Waiting In Line...For The Gospel!
Просмотров 59916 лет назад
Waiting In Line...For The Gospel!
Repent and Trust Radio - Episode 1
Просмотров 32316 лет назад
Repent and Trust Radio - Episode 1
Man's Change vs God's Change
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.16 лет назад
Man's Change vs God's Change


  • @tiandao8503
    @tiandao8503 2 месяца назад

    They always ask questions that show they've done no research whatsoever.

  • @hytrax7225
    @hytrax7225 2 месяца назад

    Who is he

  • @GraceYun-l8f
    @GraceYun-l8f 3 месяца назад

    I pray for this young generation. It seems to be more God -hated culture compare to this sermon was preached. When I watched this sermon again I am checking my heart and soul that really focued on Jesus and His teaching through His word. We live in this world that everything is lie but when I was a young, I did not know , this world deceived me and lived by the world's desire comportably because people surround me were same. Please check a local church and go find out "Who is the Jesus" Be couragrd!

  • @vshal05
    @vshal05 5 месяцев назад

    same problem here..

  • @vshal05
    @vshal05 5 месяцев назад

    world 🌎 15 yrs ago, i see the difference.. selah.

  • @vshal05
    @vshal05 5 месяцев назад

    18 yrs old video, oldest video in yt.

  • @boydx4687
    @boydx4687 5 месяцев назад

    "Know them by their fruits" can be tricky. Some people say Joseph Smith produced good fruit, others say he produced bad fruit.

  • @tsukumoyuuuki
    @tsukumoyuuuki 6 месяцев назад


  • @lonelyguyofficial8335
    @lonelyguyofficial8335 8 месяцев назад

    Genuinely funny and well made.

  • @kerrykreiter445
    @kerrykreiter445 9 месяцев назад

    I get what he is saying and I would never fall into the trap of using the assurance of salvation to defend a sub-standard Christian walk. However, I can be just as confident that scripture clearly teaches that being born again, one enters into a relationship and becomes a child of God and an heir with Christ. When the Bible says that no one can snatch you out of Gods hand, it means no one. Not a preacher, not the devil, or even our own self-doubt. We can examine ourselves in the light of scripture and quickly see our imperfections. We remember that the disciples fell asleep in the garden and Peter denied Christ. Christ never took away their relationship. He just showed them that they can do better. This is what I take away from the teaching.

  • @mmcunome314
    @mmcunome314 10 месяцев назад

    Where are you now

  • @ImArchangelMichael
    @ImArchangelMichael 10 месяцев назад

    A message for the nation. With DOUBLE emphasis

  • @Hope4UGlobal
    @Hope4UGlobal 11 месяцев назад

    The Whole Counsel of God will bring Conviction, followed by silence, then repentance!

  • @Juju-ru4ui
    @Juju-ru4ui Год назад

    More then repenting and believing Mark16:15-16 15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned

  • @Kdallen220
    @Kdallen220 Год назад

    Oh, that I would once again hear The Word of GOD preached again as this brother did (by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT). Instead, all I hear is a psychology or sociology lecture. No fire blazes from the pulpit any more. No warning. No conviction. No truth. May GOD bring forth men of GOD who would preach the truth...the pure and unadulterated truth of GOD!

    • @adamthiry868
      @adamthiry868 8 месяцев назад

      This guy is a hell bound heretic teaching a false salvation

  • @name4name197
    @name4name197 Год назад

    I watched this sermon about 12 years ago and it changed my life forever. The Lord saved me that day. Thank you Jesus and thank you Paul Washer for saying what needed to be said ❤

  • @Americanwoman74
    @Americanwoman74 Год назад

    Bless paul. God bless paul

  • @MatriiicesAi
    @MatriiicesAi Год назад

    Time stamp for biggest smack in the face by TRUTH to the audience 10:30

  • @Mochiette
    @Mochiette Год назад

    Man this brings me memories! XD

  • @babyamaritrujello9144
    @babyamaritrujello9144 Год назад

    One of the most powerful sermons of all time! ❤❤❤

  • @VenetianSnus
    @VenetianSnus Год назад

    How did the golfer break his knee? He fell off the ball washer

  • @Puddycat00
    @Puddycat00 Год назад

    Awee he’s so young here. He was in so much pain most of his life . And he never complained . We never knew until I heard his life story . He is the best preacher I’ve ever heard . And I became saved after listening to one of his sermons. I was a fake Christian before .

  • @RJon2006
    @RJon2006 Год назад

    This is even more relevant now. 2023 and we have drag queen “pastors”, “Christian” parents mutilating their children’s bodies in the name “inclusivity”. Celebrity “Christians” condoning some of the most abhorrent behavior known to man. May God continue to weed out the Apostates and May His church shine brighter than ever in our satanic culture.

  • @donaldkeith139
    @donaldkeith139 Год назад

    7:52 shout out to the prosperity preachers?

  • @jamesrosner3840
    @jamesrosner3840 Год назад

    There seems to be a lot of people who are missing the point of this sermon. So please read this. TLDR: How do we know someone has genuine faith? Answer: True faith produces works; Works are evidence of true faith. Soli Deo Gloria.

  • @donwhidden3646
    @donwhidden3646 Год назад

    If this is true then 80% of the people in this thread won’t be in heaven.

  • @sidehoe3370
    @sidehoe3370 Год назад

    This is dangerous

  • @paulaankrah
    @paulaankrah 2 года назад

    Isn't it sad that people who are heretics, they know who they are, have all I bet listened to this and have carried on there heresy ways. I don't just trust, I KNOW the word is God and God is the word and the only way is through Christ Jesus forever more, he is my father, my brother and my best friend. It's good to have a family who loves me enough. Thankyou Paul, Amen brother!

    @BIRTHOFREVIVAL 2 года назад

    One of my favorite preacher, this teaching is really eye opening and fill with truth

  • @paulwoo
    @paulwoo 2 года назад

    2023 and this is still so powerful today... Paul is so true when he says "not only the gate but the path is narrow"... I've been "saved" considering myself a Christian but not actually growing in intimacy with God. Thank God by His grace I have been brought back to Him and I keep praying I won't go astray.

  • @HomemakerDaze
    @HomemakerDaze 2 года назад

    Gross interveiw, awesome chick.

  • @chick_nuggs9318
    @chick_nuggs9318 2 года назад

    I've sent this video to many people I know asking them to listen to it. My mother was the only one to respond and she did not like it. Lord please give my mother, my father, my sister and brother-in-law and nephews, my cousins and aunts and uncles ears to hear and eyes to see. Grant them Your grace Lord.

  • @jenniferlundquist1712
    @jenniferlundquist1712 2 года назад

    Genuine. Christ filled message. Music and preaching needs to stop beating around the bush about Jesus. We need to be straightforward that Jesus Christ is the only way and make every song and message proclaim the truth not please the world.

  • @alison1656
    @alison1656 2 года назад

    My friend sent me this and it caused me to sob. I've only been a Christian for about a year and a half. Recently so many of my views on politics and the world have changed because of Christ and I thought that was enough proof to show that I have been transformed through Christ, that I repented from my sins and the way I saw the world. But this Sermon made me realize I go to school everyday afraid to speak of my faith, afraid to tell people I am a Christian, because I am afraid of their judgment. This Sermon made me realize I am still listening to sinful music and watching sinful films and tv shows. And this Sermon made me realize that the only judgement I should be afraid of is God's. The only person I should live for is Jesus. God bless Paul Washer for telling us to look to the Bible for what it means to be a Christian. It means following Christ, it means living to be more like Christ, it means living a life that hates sin and loves God.

  • @gephasatukunda5031
    @gephasatukunda5031 2 года назад

    2023 and this message still sounds as good as today..... Wat a beautiful masterpiece of the gospel

  • @lisamccarter6063
    @lisamccarter6063 2 года назад

    I heard this sermon about 8 months ago, and it penetrated my soul and woke me up to the watered down “Christianity” I have learned all my life. I thought I was Christian, but God has been an appendage I refer to occasionally, and not the true king in my life. I hardly read the Bible, and I haven’t known how Christ truly wants me to live. I can clearly see that being a true Christian means I will be regenerated and transforming to be like Jesus. Hell is a stark reality I have not taken seriously. I love this message , and the boldness of brother Paul to preach it. We need the raw truth, not watered down Christianity trying to make us feel good. Amen for this message and this fantastic preacher.

  • @ianfruchey
    @ianfruchey 2 года назад

    This sermon is older than I am and it still carries such an immense weight. Crazy.

  • @fjschneider
    @fjschneider 2 года назад

    I am not religious, but RESPECT. Brought tears to my eyes. Those precious, defenseless, trusting souls inside....

  • @jackasseryawesomenessprodu1472
    @jackasseryawesomenessprodu1472 2 года назад

    Religious propaganda and manipulative psychological brainwashing via neuroplasticity at its finest. Gotta love it. Paul Washer? More like Paul Brainwasher. Can't believe it's almost 2023 and people are gullible enough to believe in this toxic trash.

    • @module11.89
      @module11.89 9 месяцев назад

      Ah yes, im brainwashed to love and respect people equally, wanting the best of all people is toxicity. misconceptions upon misconceptions. May God open your heart brother/sister. Have a blessed year.

  • @dangummoe
    @dangummoe 2 года назад

    Lol it takes less than 10 minutes to drag Britney Spears

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 2 года назад

    America has no....corner....on sin, it is everywhere...

  • @Fuzzball777
    @Fuzzball777 2 года назад

    Mostly true except that hes a calvanist and believes there is no free will! Hmm. Well the bible teaches free will continually and there is more than just one scripture that teaches there are carnal christians and there is backsliding christians that will not be saved all. throughout the new testament but his theology wont let him see that. I like paul but hes stooped in his theology to deep.

  • @wotim3677
    @wotim3677 2 года назад

    Keep defending Christ, brother! He is the only way to receive salvation from a righteous God. Even 16 years later I hope you are still standing upon the power of God's word!

  • @franklatona2667
    @franklatona2667 2 года назад

    Paul Washer comes across as an accusatory preacher something akin to Jimmy Swagert If he really believes his audience can look forward to eternal hell why not help them and guide them. It's not 1961 anymore. The reason accusatory preaching faded is because telling people they are hell bound without also offering help and guidance left people feeling hopeless. If people are getting their "doctrine" from coffee cups and t-shirts why not offer a plan to overcome that. The Bible is not an American culture friendly book nor was it ever meant to be. Recent poll findings suggest about 11 percent of ALL Americans read the Bible. If your in the business of big time high powered evangelism that's an embarrassment. However we are all to blame. The American Christian church has been forced into a very dark and sinister corner. Whose fault is that? The democrats No The liberals no the atheists no. Our covert lack of honesty has brought this on. The Bible is a very difficult book. It's not a book of comfort it's a book of warning. Do you think there will ever come a day when we can be honest about the Bible? We live in a high powered entertain me now society. By contrast the Bible seems boring no church person would dare admit that but that's what they think. The Bible is a book of roughly twelve hundred pages it's length alone can be intimidating. It can be frustrating to read by yourself. It can provoke more questions than it answers. Very often we are things in the Bible with no explanation. Why did God Nadab and Abihu ? In Matthew 15 how did a gentile woman know to address Jesus as Son of David the Jews didn't even know him by that name. After 2000 years we still don't know where the Magi were from. And why did they know about the birth of the future king of the Jews but nobody in Israel did? Please don't misunderstand me there is no shame in not knowing but there will be shame if we don't find. Why can't we be honest about the Bible. Being honest is not the same as criticism. If I say the Bible is lengthy book it's because it is. If I say the Bible can be difficult to understand it's because it is. If I say some parts of it are boring it's because they are. I quit church years ago but I still love my Bible. When I would go to church I would ask questions about the Bible and would be rebuked. I felt hurt and confused by that. Then it dawned on me I was being rebuked because they didn't know the answer either and they weren't about to admit that to me So I lost the church but I kept the Bible. The concept of fellowship at church is a fantasy. I played rugby many years I know what true comradery looks and feels like If there ever should come a day when people can simply be honest with each other will really HELP. Until then telling your audience 100 years from now most of you will be in hell does nothing to solve the problem.

  • @zackbarrell6199
    @zackbarrell6199 2 года назад

    wow , nice brittany slam

  • @papadavewatson
    @papadavewatson 2 года назад

    Lighten up Paul. Jesus's blood was good enough for me. I dont need to prove I'm a super Christian. He is my righteousness, my holiness, and I am free to not feel guilty from people by the likes of you. Jesus people, not your goodness, but your faith in Him. HE IS ALL YOU HAVE AND HE IS ENOUGH! If you think you need your goodness, you are lost.

    • @jamesrosner3840
      @jamesrosner3840 Год назад

      Yes, we are saved by Grace through faith alone. Not by Jesus + works. But the Bible teaches that a genuine faith is evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit. Our works are not the root of our salvation; they are the fruit.

  • @Middaylantern
    @Middaylantern 2 года назад

    Brother Paul, just as you said, your words were offensive, abrasive, challenging, and angering. Yet it was the truth and I a grateful to hear it. God bless this sermon and see how it affects people every day. The Holy Spirit is there whether you saw this message live or now on RUclips. God's word never returns void!

  • @davidboehmer4359
    @davidboehmer4359 2 года назад

    Well. He's right. Unfortunately we're not told about this much anymore in church. All I know is. One day I had a gut wrenching conviction of sin. It was then I trusted him with all my heart to save me. I was 18. We have also not only forgotten the way of salvation. But we hardly ever hear anything about continuing in the FAITH.

  • @zowiewowie4458
    @zowiewowie4458 2 года назад

    "Paul WASHER lol get it?"-God

  • @neelsduplessis1079
    @neelsduplessis1079 2 года назад

    Here from South Africa I want to thank you for the pure truth you bring to the world. Thank you for use the sword...........